2024 Harvest Fest in Omaha
GLiB Games hosted our first vendor booth at Great Plains Gaming Project's 2024 Harvest Fest in Omaha. This fall convention is a micro-sized version of their massive Great Plains Gaming Festival in the spring.
We brought games, promos, candy, signage, and plastic dinos to cut our teeth as vendors. Though we had several visitors, playthroughs, and sales, we were able to get away from the booth long enough to play some games with other attendees. Lindy liked Mistwind (thanks to Greg, Joel, and Nolen for the teach), and Brett hated how backstabby Lindy got during Foundations of Rome (Et Tu??).
We are very excited for the spring festival where we will feature some prototype games on Designers Row. Let us know which conventions you'll be attending in 2025 and maybe we'll be there too!